Richmondville Power & Light - Rates
295 Main Street Richmondville New York 12149 - Phone: 518-294-7700 - Email: [email protected]
Commercial, Service Classification #2, for all purposes where demand is less than 7 KW
Industrial, Classification #3 for all purposes where demand is 7 KW or more
Outdoor Lights, Classification #4 the charge for electric service during each calendar month
Pole Rental Charge
When an additional wood pole is necessary for each lamp served, the pole will be installed, owned, and maintained by the Village of Richmondville for a monthly rental of $1.94 per pole.
Terms of Payment
Payment of bills due on or before the 26th day of the month following that for which the bill is
rendered. Bills paid after the 26th dav will be subject to a 1.5% late charee. The ate pavment charge Is 1.5% of unpaid balance in addition to the monthly charges for electric service on all electric bills. Disconnect Fee
If a meter is removed for non-payment of electric bill there is a $50.00 fee to re-install the
meter. Electric Deposits for Renters
Complete rate schedules are on file at the Village Office. |